Warranty Warning

Warranty Warning!

The manufacturers do NOT recommend using a UPS / Inverter for instances of load shedding from Eskom. These devices are designed to provide backup power to equipment to shut down gracefully so that no data is lost, or long enough until a secondary AC source, like a generator, comes online. Battery performance will significantly deteriorate when they are discharged and recharged continuously such as in cases of load shedding.

Please note the limitations of each battery technology:

Lead-Acid Batteries (50%)

Lead-acid batteries can only be discharged up to 50% before irreversible damage occurs

Gel-Lead Batteries (70%)

Gel lead batteries can often be discharged up to 70% before irreversible damage occurs.

Lithium Batteries

Lithium batteries can be fully discharged if they are protected by a Battery Management System.

Due to the above limitations, the manufacturers consider batteries as consumables, and only offer a limited warranty.

* Loss of capacity is NOT covered under warranty. *