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4x4 Offroad Batteries
Duratec Batteries offers the best quality batteries for Offroad and Outdoors activities. Whether you need to power that beast or you are looking for a dual battery system? We've got you.
Sports Car Batteries
Your sexy wheels can not let you down in public. Duratec Batteries will keep your image in tact while you are burning the rubber
Motorboat Batteries
Top quality marine batteries at unbeatable prices and quality that may outlive you.
Heavy Duty Batteries
Your construction company can rest asleep. Duratec will keep you going, moving, mowing, digging, climbing & pushing.
Jetski Batteries
With the Duratec brand behind you - you do not need to worry when your next fun weekend starts.
Duratec Batteries will keep You and Your Business Powered
What Clients Say
Great quality batteries. All of my bakkies are running on Duratec. Have dual battery system set up in my personal bakkie and very happy!
David Bouwer
Plumb Wizard, Business Owner
Dis baie aangenaam om met die Duratec span besigheid te doen. My konstruksie maatskappy kan nie bekostig om stil te staan nie. Dankie Duratec en ook aan al julle fantastiese personeel. Groete.
Herman Pieterse
MuchMore Projects, CEO
To the management I really would like to thank you. We met a couple of times and I am really a quality freak. Your UPS and automotive batteries are out of this world! Thanks again. Chow!
Martin van den Berg
Beste batterye en beste pryse in die hele Gauteng! Sal nie enige iets anders aanbeveel nie. Lekker dag.
Wickus Brink